Theater with Community presents: GED:Got to get Educated, but Da#%it!
Directed by Reuben J. Tapp Many people growing up in Rochester, Ny are expected to be educated through variations of only one style of education, sit and listen. GED explores alternative narratives to education using the people that have actually experienced it.

Time & Location
September 26-28th, 2019
MuCCC, 142 Atlantic Ave, Rochester, NY 14607, USA
About The Event
GED: Got to get Educated,but. . .Da##it
By Theater with Community Ensemble
Directed by Reuben J. Tapp
Thurs. Sept 26, 7:30PM
Fri. Sept 27, 7:30PM
Sat. Sept 28, 7:30PM
$20 advance $25 at the door
Many people growing up in Rochester, Ny are expected to be educated through variations of only one style of education, sit and listen. GED explores alternative narratives to education using the people that have actually experienced it.
THEATER with COMMUNITY (TwC) utilizes community-based interactive drama as a way to facilitate positive change. Drawing from the techniques of Augusto Boal and Theater of the Oppressed, TwC brings divergent communities together, working through challenging topics, and giving voice to the often "silenced and unheard".
Techniques include Forum Theater, Image Theater, Rainbow of Desire, and extend to other community based art frameworks.
"Putting the heart of humanity back together."
Thurs. Sept 26 7:30 PM
Theater with Community presents: GED:Got to get Educated, but Da#%it! Directed by Reuben J. Tapp Many people growing up in Rochester, Ny are expected to be educated through variations of only one style of education, sit and listen. GED explores alternative narratives to education using the people that have actually experienced it.
$20.00Sale endedFri. Sept 27, 7:30PM
Theater with Community presents: GED:Got to get Educated, but Da#%it! Directed by Reuben J. Tapp Many people growing up in Rochester, Ny are expected to be educated through variations of only one style of education, sit and listen. GED explores alternative narratives to education using the people that have actually experienced it.
$20.00Sale endedSat. Sept 28, 7:30PM
Theater with Community presents: GED:Got to get Educated, but Da#%it! Directed by Reuben J. Tapp Many people growing up in Rochester, Ny are expected to be educated through variations of only one style of education, sit and listen. GED explores alternative narratives to education using the people that have actually experienced it.
$20.00Sale ended